The Sweet of Romania Story
a tradition moulded by
Sweet Kandia Products
All these years, we strolled along the Romanian spirit, in a continuous evolution, with a keen interest of evolving together
We managed to capture the secret of the Romanian taste by being genuinely alongside with them, day by day
The Young Spirit of Romania
will always be sweet.
Keeping the pace with the evolution of Romania, our commitment to deliver unique and sweet aromas for all generations has taken shape with every single moment one enjoys chocolate bars, creamy wafers, soft or crispy crackers, gummy-bears, jelly beans or surprinzing hard candy.
Our Vision:
to become the leader
of the sweets market
in Romania
Our mission:
to be the sweet choice
of Romanians
every day
Our values:
Mândrie românească
promovăm tradițiile
We are growing together
Romanian Pride
Our story has been written with every single chapter of modern Romania and this is why we continue to invest to the same passion and commitment for each generation that will chose our products.
We promote traditions
Our culture has the same roots, well anchored in the respect for tradition. Nevertheless, what makes the Sweet of Romania so unique is its specificity of adopting shapes and characters that keep up with times.
Each if them left a print and an ingredient that marked decades od sweet taste that we treasure as an honor seal.
We grow together
All our products bear a universe of thoughts, ideas and visions that we wish to convey further on, from generation to generation.
They captured the Romanian history
in memorable moments
of enchantment
of senses
Each generation has an unique taste to mark its course. And this is why we are constantly investing in relevant innovations, paying special attention to quality and assuring accesibility for consumers
The Sweet Kandia Taste
joy for our inner child
and for the genuine spirit
since 1890
1890 - 1917
Each small sweet that made it way to Roamnian homes has a story to tell. An endless hisotry that dates back to a small sweets workshop in 1890 that metamorphosed into "The Latter Mor Candy Factory". In 1917, that factory was named Kandia, after Crete, the Greek Island that under the Venetian occupation was called Candia.

This was the moment that marked the beginning of a history that gathered visions and unique, unmistakeable tastes within the Sugar Products Enterprise Bucharest that gathered under the same rooftop many chocolat and sugar products factories, in 1948.
In a new market economy, in which international brands start emerging and contributing to the emancipation of tastes, the transformation of the company becomes even more important. In 1991, the company redefines itself Excelent Bucharest.

1997 - ongoing
Times are changing, the sweet taste remains as memorable as ever. We constantly adapted to the new generational demands and grew along with the modernizing of Romania, changing and adding new necessary ingredients to address the needs of modern consumers and those of the sweets market. .
Since 2004, the company Excelent Bucharest relaunched itself under an extraordinary merger with Kandia Timisoara, renewing its commiment on the market, under the official name of Kandia - Excelent.
Since 2005, the company invested continuously in modernizing production lines and improving recipes. In 2007, the company is taken by Cadbury Schweppers and eventually sold, in 2010, to Oryxa Capital investment fund, when the new Kandia Dulce (Sweet Kandia) name is also adopted.
The story of our sweets is continuing even today, capitalizing on the values associated with this name: tradition, Romanian sweets.

Conștientizăm și suntem preocupați să adresăm practicile abuzive asupra animalelor. În acest sens ne luăm angajamentul de a folosi 100% ouă provenite de la găini crescute la sol, în toate mărcile Kandia Dulce, începând cu 2025. Pentru a contribui la îmbunătățirea bunăstării găinilor ouătoare si a stopa practicile abuzive in cresterea animalelor, am planificat actiuni impreuna cu furnizorii nostri de materii prime. Obiectivul nostru este ca pana la finalul anului, 25% din ouale utilizate in reteta produselor sa provina de la gaini crescute la sol.